ZMedia Purwodadi

Lazada Ramadhan Raya Blogger Contest

Table of Contents

Lazada Ramadhan Raya Blogger Contest. Ada yang dah join ke contest yang dijalankan oleh Lazada? Hanya tinggal beberapa hari sahaja lagi. Baca maklumat di bawah untuk menyertai contest ini.

How to Join – Lazada Ramadhan Raya Blogger Contest

1. The contest runs from 19 May until 30 June 2017 (4 Weeks)
Pertandingan ini bermula 19 Mei sehingga 30 Jun 2017 (4 Minggu)

2. During these 4 weeks, there will be 1 contest held every week with a different theme (in totality there will be 4 contests held during these 4 weeks). Every contestant may participate in more than one contest.
Sepanjang 4 minggu pertandingan ini, akan ada topik berbeza setiap minggu. Peserta boleh memilih salah satu dari topik-topik tersebut. Peserta juga boleh menyertai lebih dari sekali.

3. To take part in any of the following contests, each contestant (blogger), during the relevant contest period, shall write an article and post on his/her blog (“Article”) on the relevant theme. The Article shall contain such relevant contents and answers to all the relevant questions specified below:
Untuk menyertai pertandingan ini, peserta hendaklah menulis tentang topik yang ditetapkan mengikut tarikh pertandingan tertentu . Peserta hendaklah menjawab soalan-soalan berikut:

1. Week One Contest: // EXPIRED

 Contest period: 19 May 2017 – 1 June 2017
 Title of the article: Recipe's name

Theme: Delicious Ramadhan
 a. What are your favorite Iftar dishes?
 b. Share the recipes of the dishes
 c. What kind of products can you find on Lazada’s platform to help you prepare the dishes?

2. Week Two Contest: //EXPIRED

Theme: My Ramadhan Home

 Contest period: 2 June 2017 – 8 June 2017
 Title of the article: Any title related to the Article

 a. How are you decorating your house to be Raya ready?
 b. Share your house decorating tips for this Raya
 c. What kind of products (e.g., furniture) can you get on Lazada’s platform to help you decorate your house for this Raya?

3. Week Three Contest: //HAPPENING NOW! 

Theme: Looking Good & Beautiful

 Contest period: 9 June 2017 – 19 June 2017
 Title of the article: Any title related to the Article

 a. What's your color theme for this Raya?
 b. Share your outfit details for this Raya
 c. What outfit/clothes would you like to buy on Lazada’s platform for this Raya?

 For your references :
 Raya Fashion(link) : Shop Your Raya Look with Discount up to 80%

4. Week Four Contest: //COMING SOON

Theme: Travelling Back Home

 Contest period: 16 June 2017 - 30 June 2017
 Title of the article: Any title related to the Article

 a. Where do you celebrate Raya this year?
 b. List down your "balik kampung" essentials.
 c. What would you like to buy on Lazada’s platform to bring along for "balik kampung"?

3. The Article must contain screenshots of the products mentioned in point 1.c, 2.c, 3.c and 4.c

4. Contestants need to mention Marhaban Ya Ramadhan and Riang Ria Raya sale ( will take place from May 19 to 30 June (where you can find special discounts up to 90%!).

5. Contestants are required to submit the link to their Article via e-mail to with the subject titled: Lazada Ramadhan Raya Blogger Contest

6. Contestants are welcomed to post the article in any language.

7. Winners will be selected at random.

Prizes – More Participants More Winners

Depending on the overall number of participants there will be either 15, 20, 50 or 80 winners:

1. Less than 100 Participants (15 winners)
 15 x RM100

2. More than 100 Participants (20 winners)
 1st Prize: 1 x RM400
 2nd Prize: 8 x RM150
 3rd Prize: 11 x RM100

3. More than 200 Participants (50 winners)
 1st Prize: 1 x RM500
 2nd Prize: 16 x RM150
 3rd Prize: 33 x RM100

3. More than 300 Participants (80 winners)
 1st Prize: 1 x RM600
 2nd Prize: 35 x RM150
 3rd Prize: 44 x RM100

Good news! Every week, we will select 3 lucky bloggers to win RM100 shopping voucher each at Lazada.

Invite your blogger friends to join this contest, so you will increase your chance of winning! The more the merrier!

Terms & Conditions – Lazada Ramadhan Raya Blogger Contest

1. The winners will be notified on 3 July 2017 via e-mail (“Notification”). The Notification will contain instructions on how to claim the prize, which should occur within three business days from the date of the Notification. We may opt to announce the results of the contest in our social media page and/or other platforms owned and operated by us..

2. Contestants must be legal residents of Malaysia aged 18 years and above as of the first day of the contest and must operate a blog.

3. If any winner (or any substitute winner) is or becomes ineligible, cannot be reached, or fails to claim the Prize within seven (7) days of receiving the Notification, the prize will be forfeited and Lazada will select a substituted winner. If, having attempted to contact a winner and a substitute winner, Lazada is unable to award a prize, Lazada reserves the right to consider the prize unclaimed.

4. Contestants shall only submit original materials and warrant that the content of their submission do not infringe any third party’s intellectual property rights.

5. Any entries containing third party intellectual property rights that are used without prior consent from the rights holder, or are abusive, inappropriate, offensive or contain obscene language or imagery will be disqualified. Examples of language/images considered to be inappropriate, offensive or obscene, include (but are not limited to): any message/image which contains (a) swearing; (b) comments or actions which appear to be discriminatory of any person, company or group of individuals, for example comments of a racist, sexist or homophobic nature; (c) sexual innuendo, sexual language or sexual acts, actions or gestures; (d) promoting any illegal unlawful activity such as drug use; (e) any message/image that appears to be an advertisement or solicitation to buy; and (f) any materials (whether written or visual) that directly or indirectly relate to Lazada Malaysia competitors or that show any intention of promoting any brand other than Lazada Malaysia.

6. By participating in this contest, Contestants grant Lazada Malaysia and its partners and affiliates an irrevocable, royalty free, perpetual, license to use their Articles (including all copyrighted material contained therein) and/or to feature them in any advert or promotional material as well as the right to use their personal data for the purposes of this auction or for marketing purposes. Contestants further agree to release Lazada Malaysia from any liability whatsoever related the contest, unless any damage they have suffered is the direct result of Lazada Malaysia's fraud or willful misconduct.

7. Lazada Malaysia reserves the right to change, suspend or alter the terms and conditions of the contest, or terminate the contest, at any time and for any reason.

8. Lazada Malaysia’s decisions on all matters relating to this contest are final and binding and no correspondence will be entertained.

10) Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”):

a) By participating in this contest, all contestants consent to allow Lazada Malaysia to process and disclose to any third party, all personal data of the contestants provided by the contestants pursuant to this contest for any and all purposes relating to this contest and any and all other activity relating to or arising from the course of business or businesses of Lazada Malaysia including, without limitation for the running of this contest and or any event or publicity of the contest in any form or through any media without additional compensation, notification or permission.

b) The contestants acknowledge that Lazada Malaysia is authorised to process the personal data provided pursuant to this contest in accordance with its privacy policy which can be found on

c) For further details or any enquiries regarding this clause and privacy policy of Lazada Malaysia, please contact our Customer Service.

For any feedback or inquiries, please contact us on this email:

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